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Welcome to

India Street Paws, Inc. 

Where compassion and kindness come together to champion the cause of homeless and abused animals in India.




Welcome to India Street Paws

India Street Paws is a 501c3 registered charity founded by Washington, D.C.-based author Sarah Pekkanen. India Street Paws works hand-in-hand with a local rescue group in Anand, Gujarat to heal injured and abused street dogs as well as provide rabies vaccinations – which, by extension, protects vulnerable children and adults in India.
We at India Street Paws believe every life, no matter how humble, deserves love, care, and protection. Join us in our mission to make a difference. Together, we can create a brighter future for India's street dogs, cats and other animals fending for themselves without regular food or shelter. Why is it important to help care for street dogs in India? The answer lies in the heart-wrenching stories of these resilient beings, who navigate the streets with love and grace despite the hardships they face.



Every dollar of your donation goes to support the well-being of suffering animals in India. As your personal “link,” Sarah periodically travels to India (at her own expense) to do a close-up of our budget and programs. By contributing either a monthly amount - as little as $5 - or a one-time donation, you will help save lives and alleviate suffering. 


Contributions can be made by Venmo or by check.

Venmo to @Pekkanenindiastreetpaws, code 2565

​Checks payable to India Street Paws, Inc. can be sent to 7170 Woodmont Avenue, #531, Bethesda, MD 20815

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India Street Paws, Inc. is formally recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit charity. The tax-exempt number is 92-3173560

India Street Paws Inc. was founded by internationally  best selling author Sarah Pekkanen in 2023. Every dollar collected goes to ease the lives of homeless and abused animals in India. Your information will never be sold or shared. 

©2023 by India Street Paws Inc.

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